AgapeCare Australia
Registered NDIS Provider

Development Life Skills

AgapeCare Australia assist participants to develop, make choices and decide what is important for them in their life. This results in them having more control over their lives.

That’s why the first step in the development of life goals is for us to understand the participant’s goals. It is also why each support plan is tailored to provide participants with the skills to enable them to develop the life skills that builds both their independence and confidence. The overall aim is for participants to live as autonomously as possible.

Our services include but limited to the following:

Meal planning and preparation:
We can assist with helping you plan nutritious and healthy meals that are also delicious to eat. In addition, we can assist with training on how to prepare meals in a hygienic way. This is a great way to gain confidence in the kitchen and live more independently.

Travel training including road safety and using public transport:
Our services include planning your journey and accessing public transport, as well as private forms of transport. We can also assist with providing information about basic road safety rules. We understand how important it is to get out and about safely in the community and the challenges faced by participants with disability.

Support to develop social networks and friendships:
Having friends to enjoy life with is important. However, it can be more challenging for participants with disabilities to expand their social network and develop long term friendships.
We can assist participants to enjoy social and recreational activities, that help create friendships, with people with similar interests.

Assistance with budgeting and managing finances:
Budgeting and managing finances are a challenge for most people. However, learning to handle money, including budgeting and saving means participants can get more out of life. It will also enable participants to enjoy life more and to live more independently.
We look at a participant’s goals – including whether they would like to save for a long-term goal such as a short holiday to visit a relative or friend or buy a new phone – so that we can put a savings plan in place. We then give practical guidance on how to achieve these goals.

Support with art, and other fun /relevant activities:
Having hobbies, whether on your own, or with others, is a great way to enjoy life. It is also a good way to learn new skills and make friends. However, it can be difficult for participants with disabilities to attend these types of activities. That’s where Perfect Care can support. We can assist with getting you to activities, as well as providing support while you are there.

Help with navigating Government Departments:
All people with disability have the right to access a range of Government services including the NDIS, education, health, employment, justice and family support. However, it can be difficult to navigate your way through them to get the assistance you need. Perfect Care can provide participants with help to work their way through various Government Departments to get the assistance they need.

Understanding utility bills, rent, tenancy etc
If you have recently moved out of home, or hoping to do so in the future, then understanding what is involved in renting a home is important. This includes both rental expenses, as well as utility expenses such as gas, electricity and water. Even if you have been renting for a while, you may need some extra assistance in understanding your expenses, especially if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed. That’s why we help participants to understand what is involved in renting their home and the associated expenses.

Schedule an Appointment

We are here to assist you in achieving your goals,
managing daily tasks, and engaging with your community.
Complete our “Schedule an Appointment” online form.
We can schedule a time to personally introduce ourselves
and discuss how we can best support you.